
Structure of the gRPC call looks like this:

> :path /package/Method/
> ...
> ... request metadata

> data (request)

< :status 200
< ...
< ... initial metadata

< data (reply)

< grpc-status 0
< ...
< ... trailing metadata

The same as regular HTTP request but with trailers. So client can send request metadata and server can return initial and trailing metadata.

Metadata sent as regular HTTP headers. It may contain printable ascii text with spaces:

auth-token: 0d16ad85-6ce4-4773-a1be-9f62b2e886a3

Or it may contain binary data:

auth-token-bin: DRathWzkR3Ohvp9isuiGow

Binary metadata keys should contain -bin suffix and values should be encoded using base64 encoding without padding.

Keys with grpc- prefix are reserved for gRPC protocol. You can read more additional details here: gRPC Wire Format.

grpclib encodes and decodes binary metadata automatically. In Python you will receive text metadata as str type:

{"auth-token": "0d16ad85-6ce4-4773-a1be-9f62b2e886a3"}

Binary metadata you will receive as bytes type:

{"auth-token-bin": b"\r\x16\xad\x85l\xe4Gs\xa1\xbe\x9fb\xb2\xe8\x86\xa3"}


Sending metadata:

reply = await stub.Method(Request(), metadata={'auth-token': auth_token})

Sending and receiving metadata:

async with{'auth-token': auth_token}) as stream:
    await stream.recv_initial_metadata()

    await stream.send_message(Request())
    reply = await stream.recv_message()

    await stream.recv_trailing_metadata()

See reference docs for more details: Client.


Receiving and sending metadata:

class Service(ServiceBase):

    async def Method(self, stream):
        print(stream.metadata)  # request metadata

        await stream.send_initial_metadata(metadata={
            'begin-time': current_time(),

        request = await stream.recv_message()
        await stream.send_message(Reply())

        await stream.send_trailing_metadata(metadata={
            'end-time': current_time(),

See reference docs for more details: Server.


class grpclib.metadata.Deadline(*, _timestamp: float)

Represents request’s deadline - fixed point in time

time_remaining() float

Calculates remaining time for the current request completion

This function returns time in seconds as a floating point number, greater or equal to zero.

class grpclib.protocol.Peer(transport: Transport)

Represents an information about a connection’s peer

addr() Optional[Tuple[str, int]]

Returns the remote address to which we are connected

cert() Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Returns the peer certificate

Result of the ssl.SSLSocket.getpeercert()